31870 Lee Street
L0S 1V0,Canada
William E. Brown School is known for a long and successful existence. Our records indicate that a school, in School Section No. 4 Wainfleet, in Marshville existed as far back as 1890. The records show that on March 24, 1890, J. S. Simpson was elected as trustee for the area and that Wm. Brown seconded a motion for Mr. Simpson's nomination. In the historic village of Marshville, the school has been restored to resemble the school mentioned in our archived records.
The school at Marshville was replaced by the current building in 1914. It was known as S.S. No. 4 until it was renamed after a Mr. William E. Brown, who served as the secretary/treasurer for Wainfleet School Section No. 4 from 1945 -1965. In the years following 1914 William E. Brown School has had several additions and renovations, but the original building still serves as the main structure of the school and is used as a classroom. In 2014 William E. Brown School will celebrate 100 years of existence.
Many of the students currently attending are the second generation in their family to do so and there are still a few families whose children are the third generation to attend this school. The grandparents have now become active volunteers at the school.
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